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Farewell to 2020

2020 - the year that will be remembered for bringing us the terms social distancing, quarantine, isolation, super-spreader and Collins Dictionary’s word of the year: lockdown. As we put the upheaval of 2020 behind us, we look forward to welcoming 2021 with confidence and optimism.

We feel incredibly grateful that our families and friends have remained healthy and we have been able to carry on business as usual here at Graham Financial.  

The team at Graham Financial would like to thank all our clients and friends for their continued support this year. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with each and every one of you. 

The office will be closing for the Christmas break on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 and reopening on Monday 4th January 2021. If you have an urgent query over the break you can reach Ben or Martin by email or mobile phone.  

Over the break, you might like to connect with us on Facebook:

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous 2021. Stay safe and enjoy the festivities wherever you may be.
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