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The Importance of Leadership

Do you think we are looking more to experts for leadership during the COVID-19 crisis?

I believe we are being presented with more experts. Both State and Federal leaders have consistently deferred to “experts” to explain what COVID-19 is and how we can best reduce the risk of catching and spreading the virus.

The fear and uncertainty created by the pandemic has provided an environment where the community has perhaps been more willing to accept an “expert” view. This approach has put enormous pressure on our elected leaders to limit questions of experts that can be answered within their expertise. Medical expertise will have opinions on saving lives but perhaps less conviction on saving the economy.

Do you think we are looking more to experts for leadership during the COVID-19 crisis? 

The self-awareness that they do not have all the answers and the confidence to accept that this is okay. Leadership requires intellectual humility – a deep understanding of limitations and personal biases.

A good leader will know that they will be forced to make decisions in an environment that is uncertain. To quote “no amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all of your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future” (Ian E Wilson)

Leaders will demonstrate the confidence to seek views that challenge the status quo and the courage to change their mind when the situation changes around them – because it will.

With so much uncertainty about the Australian and global economy, is it now more important to seek professional advice on your finances?

I can accept that COVID-19 has raised anxiety but not uncertainty. Is today’s future really anymore (or less) uncertain than at other points in the past … when we looked into the future?

The global economy is an infinitely complicated web of interconnections that is constantly changing. We need to accept that the only certainty is uncertainty. If we are to learn from the past, we should recognise that financial security is destroyed by poor decisions. History shows poor decision happen all the time.

If professional advice protects you from poor decisions, then you should seek it all the time.
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