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Graham Financial was proud to recently sponsor the Fairholme College Spring Fair - which was held on Saturday 19th October 2019 at the College. The Spring Fair is Fairholme’s biggest fundraiser of the year, with money raised being invested directly back into the College. Judging by the large crowds and happy faces, this year’s Spring Fair was a veritable success!

For Graham Financial it was a great opportunity to support a local school in the Toowoomba region. School fees can be an added expense to the family budget either as a parent or grandparent. Graham Financial can assist clients to prepare for this stage of their life and uncover what is achievable for them. 

Below is a table estimating the cost of educating a child from pre-school through to year 12 in Australia. This survey was undertaken in 2013 and has taken into consideration the cost of extracurricular activities, uniforms, necessities, travel and computers. Even though this data has aged a little it gives you an idea of the expenses incurred when educating our children whether choosing the state, catholic or independent school systems.
Australian Scolarships Group survey, October 2013. The Good School’s Guide.

Australian Scolarships Group survey, October 2013. The Good School’s Guide.

If you would like to know more about planning for the future schooling expense of your children or grandchildren, please contact us here at the office.  

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